What Is Dermaplaning Skin Treatment?

Flawless, youthful skin is a desired asset that boosts your self-confidence and improves your appearance. There are thousands of skin products and treatments that promise to help achieve beautiful skin, but not all of them provide results. One of the trending skin treatments to achieve more youthful, glowing skin is dermaplaning. Let’s take a look at what Dermaplaning is, how it’s performed and whether or not it is a worthwhile skin treatment.
Dermaplaning is a type of exfoliating procedure that removes dead skin cells and fine hairs from the skin’s surface. The skin treatment is carefully performed by a dermatologist or skin specialist using a sharp instrument similar to a scalpel called a dermatome. During the treatment, the facial skin is scraped with the dermaplaning instrument, a sharp blade that removes only the top dead cells from the skin. It also removes the tiny facial hairs (vellus), or facial “fuzz,” that can impact the smoothness of the
Dermaplaning Protocol?
Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that is meant to be performed by a professional and repeated for maximum effectiveness. To remove only the dead skin cells and protect the skin from damage, you want a knowledgeable skin professional to perform this treatment. The protocol includes cleaning the skin and drying it completely before the treatment begins. The skin is held taut and the sterilized scalpel, or dermatome, is used at a 45-degree angle to scrape, or plane, the skin. Short movements against the grain of the hairs are used throughout the treatment area.
Most dermaplaning skin treatments take less than a half hour and there is no downtime needed after the procedure. Most skin care professionals will add moisturizer or other nourishing skin serums after the treatment to hydrate the skin. Sunscreen is usually recommended, along with avoiding sun exposure for a few days after the treatment. Dermaplaning can be repeated every few weeks to keep skin glowing and radiant.
Benefits of Dermaplaning Treatments
The main goal of this skin treatments is to create a healthy, youthful glow from the skin. Dead skin cells and debris on the surface of the skin can make it appear dull and less vibrant. With dermaplaning, the debris and dead skin cells are scraped away. Plus, the vellus, or facial fuzz, is shaved away. The fine facial hair can collect dirt and oil, as well as change the smoothness of the skin. Other possible benefits of this skin treatments include:
- Reducing the appearance of imperfections on the skin
- Stimulating new cell growth
- Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
- Reducing the appearance of scarring or sun damage
- Improving makeup application
- Decreasing the appearance of pock marks
- It is safe for pregnant woman and those with sensitive skin
The extent of benefits can depend on how often dermaplaning is completed and other factors. Simply scraping the skin or “shaving” does not have the same impact as a professional dermaplaning session. To accomplish the desired effect, a dermatologist, aesthetician or other skin professional should complete the treatment.
Is Dermaplaning Right for You?
If you have been wondering, “What is dermaplaning?” and if it is right for you, consider the pros and cons of the procedure. Compared to many other skin treatments, dermaplaning is non-invasive with very little risk. There is no needed downtime and the treatment is not painful – some other skin treatments can be uncomfortable and leave your skin red or irritated for several or more days. The pros also include improving the radiance of your skin while eliminating facial hairs that can detract from the glow or smoothness.
Dermaplaning does not have many cons – it does cost money and require a commitment of at least a half hour of your time. Not everyone will be impressed with the results, especially after only one session. Those that have a dull complexion due to sun damage, aging skin, excess vellus or other issues may get the most benefits from routine dermaplaning skin treatments. The vellus hairs will grow back – repeated sessions of dermaplaning are needed to keep skin smooth and hair-free.
For many, the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to dermaplaning. However, it is not the right skin treatment for everyone. Those who have persistent acne breakouts may not be good candidates for Dermaplaning, as it may irritate their skin condition. Others may need a deeper exfoliation like dermabrasion, chemical peel or laser therapy to obtain the results they desire.
If you are stilling curious about dermaplaning? and if it is right for you, contact a qualified dermatologist or other skin specialist to schedule a skin consultation. You can learn more about what treatments would best benefit your skin type and achieve the desired results. Dermaplaning may be the solution you have been looking for to achieve glowing, youthful skin.
The information provided on this website, including text, graphics, images, and other materials, is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.