Why Sleep Is Not Always the Answer for Fatigue

Published on: December 5, 2018

A good night’s sleep is important. Not only the amount of time, but the quality of sleep, can have a big impact on your health and energy levels. However, just because you feel fatigued or tired does not necessarily mean more sleep is the answer. There are other reasons why you may be fighting fatigue that have nothing to do with how much sleep you are getting each night.

Diet and Fatigue

What you eat can have a significant impact on your energy levels. It is not just eating a healthy diet, although that is important, but also understanding food sensitivities. You do not need to have a food allergy for it to affect your health. If your body has problems digesting certain foods or reacts poorly, it can impact your energy levels. In addition, a lack of nutrients can affect your body and brain, causing fatigue.

Often people have a nutrient deficiency or food sensitivity that they do not know exists. They may not be absorbing nutrients properly or reacting to gluten or other common foods that cause sensitivity in the body. These issues can make you feel tired, even when you have had enough rest, and have other impacts on your health. To get relief from your fatigue, you should consider seeing a naturopathic doctor to undergo testing for imbalances in your system.

An ND that specializes in food sensitivities and nutrient deficiencies can perform blood and other tests to determine if your diet is causing your fatigue. Getting more energy may be as simple as cutting certain foods out of your diet or adding supplements to your daily routine. Schedule a consultation with your local ND to address your fatigue and get more energy to enjoy your life.

Posted on behalf of:
Wholistic Medicine Specialists of Atlanta
1055 Powers Place
Alpharetta, GA 30009
(678) 987-8451

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