Side Effects of Constricted Nasal Cavities

When the nasal cavities or passages become constricted due to inflammation, scar tissue, polyps or changes in your sinuses, it can affect many aspects of your day-to-day life. Many people live with chronic sinus or nasal issues, dealing with the side effects. If you have trouble breathing through your nose, you could be experiencing many undesirable consequences. Here are some of the side effects of constricted nasal cavities and how they can impact your life.
Sinus Infections
If you have constricted nasal passages, you are more likely to experience more frequent sinus infections. This can cause pain and lead to more visits to your doctor or sinus specialist. You may also be using more sinus medications, impacting your health and your bank account.
Difficulty Breathing
Those with nasal constriction have a harder time breathing normal. You can experience reduced oxygen and become tired quicker when engaging in certain activities.
While you may not be annoyed by snoring, those who are in your household may not appreciate your nocturnal noises. Snoring can be a side effect of reduced nasal airways and impact those around you and interrupt your own sleep as well.
Treating Constricted Nasal Cavities
There are medical solutions to help improve nasal breathing and open the airways. Polyps and other blockages that create nasal constriction can be treated. Balloon sinuplasty or endoscopic sinus surgery can relieve nasal constriction, reducing the side effects for better health and quality of life.
If you have nasal cavity constriction, it could be a sign of chronic sinusitis or other issues. Contact a sinus specialist to discuss your options for improving nasal breathing and your overall health.
Posted on behalf of:
New York Sinusitis Treatment
Columbus Circle Office
200 W. 57th Street Suite 1410
New York, NY 10019
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