Lose the Double-Chin with Kybella Injections

Published on: May 29, 2015

Over the years, some people retain fat deposits below their chin, creating the infamous double-chin. Although you may not be overweight, this predisposition to store fat below your chin can make your face look heavy, older and less defined. However, there is a new cosmetic procedure that is non-invasive to combat the double-chin: Kybella Injections

How Do Kybella Injections Work?

Kybella injections are a new weapon in the arsenal of cosmetic surgeons to fight the appearance of the double chin. This is a synthetic version of a biological agent called deoxycholic acid that breaks down dietary fat in the body. When injected into the fat layers under the chin, Kybella works by bursting the fat cells, allowing them to shrink while the fat is reabsorbed by the body.  However, this is not an effective solution for those who have loose skin on their necks or under their chin. Since Kybella only fights fat, it will not help with excess skin, which would need a different cosmetic surgery solution.

These treatments are done in singular appointments at least a month apart, with up to six appointments needed in some cases. Each treatment could be dozens of injections at one time, but the procedure usually only takes a few minutes. There are few side effects, just occasional bruising or swelling at the injection site for a few days.

The FDA approved Kybella for the treatment of double chin in April 2015. This is a very exciting new procedure that can help many people lose their excess fat on their chins without the need for liposuction or surgery, with little downtime or side effects.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

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