In and Out Neck Lift Procedures

Does a slight double chin or a droopy jawline bother you every time you look in the mirror? The chin and neck area can have a dramatic impact on your appearance, affecting the definition of your jaw and profile. Neck lifts are used to remove excess fat and skin that can create a double chin or the infamous “turkey gobble” look, but they can also require downtime for the surgery. Another option is a quick in and out neck lift that can offer results without the prolonged recovery.
Weekend Neck Lift Surgery
When the beginnings of a double chin or turkey gobble appear, these may not require a complete neck lift surgery to repair. Another option offered by some skilled plastic surgeons is what is referred to as a “weekend neck lift.” This technique uses a small incision under the chin to access the tissue. Unlike full neck lifts that require twilight or general anesthesia, this procedure can be completed using local anesthesia, requiring less recovery time.
Many weekend neck lift surgeries are completed in less than an hour at a plastic surgery clinic. Experienced plastic surgeons use the small incision to perform liposuction and other procedures to remove excess fat and tighten the skin under the chin and on the neck. The patient can go home right after the procedure since only local anesthesia is used. There is usually some slight bruising, but many patients can quickly recover from this surgery in just a few days.
If you are looking for an option to improve the appearance of your chin and neck, but want a minimally invasive option, contact a local plastic surgeon that offers weekend neck lifts. You can be in and out with a new look for your face and chin profile.
Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641
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