Facial Liposculpture

Published on: April 10, 2014

Facial liposculpture is a minimally invasive technique used to sculpt the face and neck with targeted removal of fat. Most people have this procedure done on the chin, the cheeks, the jowls, and the neck in order to enhance their appearance and to bring back a youthful look. This surgery can eliminate double chins, remove jowls, and improve a person’s profile by giving a more defined look with greater definition between the face and the neck. For many people, facial liposculpture is an excellent option for a rejuvenated look because the recovery period is shorter than with other surgical procedures.

People who are considered to be good candidates for facial liposculpture notice striking improvements in their appearance. By eliminating large, drooping jowls and eliminating a double chin, people can take years off of their appearance. Gravity weighs everyone down as they get older, but some people are affected more severely in their jowls and neck. During a consultation with a surgeon, patients will discuss their wishes for improvements in their appearance. The facial features, skin tone, and fat distribution of the face and neck will be evaluated. The surgeon will recommend how to best give each patient the rejuvenated appearance that s/he desires. All facial surgeries should be tailored to a person’s age, gender, and skin type for optimal results.

If you are interested in improving your appearance by minimizing your jowls or double chin, talk with your plastic surgeon to see if you are a good candidate for facial liposculpture. The improvements in your face will keep people guessing as to why you look so good!

Posted on behalf of Benjamin Stong, MD, Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery, LLC


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