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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Options


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Carpal tunnel syndrome is associated with pain and tingling sensations in the hands because of pressure on the median nerve in the wrist. The median nerve and several tendons run through the carpal tunnel, which is a small space in the wrist that allows movement with the forearm. Pressure on the median nerve causes carpal…



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VBAC stands for Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. Years ago, if a woman delivered a baby via C-section she lost all hope of a future vaginal delivery. But today, that is not the case for all women. Thanks mostly to changes in surgical technique, almost 75 percent of women who try a vaginal delivery have a…

Incompetent Cervix


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An incompetent cervix means that a woman’s cervix is effacing and dilating prematurely (meaning before a baby is full term). During a normal pregnancy, the cervix remains long, firm, and closed until late in the third trimester as it begins to prepare for birth. For women with an incompetent cervix, the cervix will efface (soften)…

High Risk Pregnancies


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A pregnancy is considered to be “high risk” if the woman or baby has an increased risk of a health problem during or right after birth. While “high risk” may sound scary, it is actually just a term that doctors assign to certain patients so that they receive special attention during their pregnancies. As a…

Acne Treatment


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Acne often affects adolescents and adults alike and for many is a very frustrating skin condition.  In addition to being unsightly, it often impacts the patient’s confidence and self esteem.  However, there is no need to suffer from acne, when there are a number of highly effective treatment options available, including chemical peels, clarifying facial…

Improved Sports Performance


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Athletes of all ages and all abilities strive to improve their performance in whatever sport or activity that they pursue.  Improved sports performance is the goal of every professional or non-professional athlete.  However, during the past few years, there have been numerous cases where professional athletes have been caught using performance enhancing drugs including steroids,…

Homeopathic Depression Treatment


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Depression is a serious metal condition that affects millions people during their lifetime.  The symptoms, which include anxiety, disrupted sleep patterns, feelings of hopelessness, chronic fatigue and an overall sadness; can range from mild to severe.  Depression can significantly disrupt a person’s life, as well as their families, if not diagnosed and treated. While there…

Laser Vein Therapy


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Many women are self conscious about the appearance of varicose veins on their legs. Come summer time, wearing shorts and skirts can cause many women to avoid being outside and showing their legs. Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins near the surface of the skin and are very noticeable with their deep color. Excessive weight…

What Causes Scabies


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Scabies is a skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin and cause very itchy skin. Scabies can affect people of all ages, social economic backgrounds, and those with good hygiene procedures. Scabies is highly contagious, and a person who is infected will need to be seen by a doctor right away.…

Hair Loss Treatment


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Hair loss, known medically as Alopecia Areata, is a condition in which hair is lost from parts of the body, most commonly from the scalp. Alopecia Areata causes bald spots on the scalp and is often referred to as “spot baldness.” In rare cases this hair loss can spread to the entire scalp and even…