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Poison Ivy


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Poison ivy is a plant that can cause a skin rash that is medically known as “allergic contact dermatitis.” Most people refer to both the plant and skin rash as poison ivy. It is the oil found in the plant that causes allergic reactions to many people. The rash is extremely itchy and will blister…

Irritable Bowel Syndrome


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Irritable bowel syndrome (commonly referred to as IBS) is a relatively common disorder that affects a person’s large intestine. Symptoms of IBS include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating gas, diarrhea, and constipation. While the symptoms of IBS are undesirable, the fortunate aspect of IBS is that it does not cause permanent damage to the colon as…

Facial Liposculpture


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Facial liposculpture is a minimally invasive technique used to sculpt the face and neck with targeted removal of fat. Most people have this procedure done on the chin, the cheeks, the jowls, and the neck in order to enhance their appearance and to bring back a youthful look. This surgery can eliminate double chins, remove…

Gynecological Exams


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An annual gynecological exam is considered essential to a woman’s over all health maintenance. This exam is important throughout all stages of a woman’s lifetime, beginning in the teen years, and the focus of the exam will change as the body matures. A gynecological well-visit can be divided into different components in order for a…

Prenatal Ultrasounds


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For many couples the first image of their tiny peanut is often one of the greatest joys of pregnancy. Seeing their tiny baby before it is even born is an experience that is both wonderful and relieving. Many people often worry about their unborn child because they can not see it to make sure that…

3D Breast Tomosynthesis


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According to new statistics released in the Fall of 2013, 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. That statistic is scary for many women because that is just under 12%. With breast cancer seemingly on the rise, the importance of routine self breast…

Tumescent Liposuction


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Many people commonly mistake liposuction as a cure for obesity when in fact, liposuction is actually most affective for people who are relatively fit. Often times adults find that they are able to maintain an ideal weight but still have areas of fat deposits that they can not get rid of. These are the patients…

Treating Lupus Symptoms


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Lupus is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that attacks a person’s organs and tissues. Some people are born with a genetic tendency toward developing lupus, and certain triggers such as infections, sunlight, and certain medications can trigger lupus outbreaks. While there is no cure for lupus, there are different lupus treatments that can help control…

Treating ADD Naturally


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The worst thing about taking a prescription drug to treat a disorder such as Attention Deficit Disorder is the unnecessary side effects that go along with it. Children are commonly diagnosed with ADD, but adults have increasingly been diagnosed in the last five years. For many years the only way to treat ADD was through…

Treatment For Food Sensitivities


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Food sensitivities are becoming an increasingly popular topic as more and more awareness is coming to the topic. “One man’s food is another man’s poison” is a centuries old saying which simply states that different people can have very different reactions from eating the exact same foods. It is estimated that at least 30% of…