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Tennis Elbow Treatment


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“Tennis elbow” is a common term for a condition in which the overuse of an arm, forearm, and hand muscles causes elbow pain. While those who do not play tennis can come down with this condition, it is known to be a significant problem for regular tennis players. Tennis elbow most commonly affects the dominant…

Gluten Sensitivity


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There is a lot of talk about going “gluten free” lately, but many people don’t understand why gluten is so taboo. The awareness of gluten sensitivity is growing as more and more people find that many of the issues they have been having with their health has been related to what they are eating. Gastrointestinal…

Treatment of Sunspots


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Sunspots are dark portions of the skin that develop after long exposure to the sun. While sunspots are not dangerous, they can be unsightly on the face because of the severe contrast that they can have with the rest of the facial skin. People of all ages are susceptible to acquiring sunspots, but those with…

Micro Needling Skin Rejuvenation


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Micro needling is a skin treatment done to improve the appearance of the face. It is one of the latest skin care approaches that uses state-of-the-art equipment to deliver noticeable age defying results. Micro needling is a minimally invasive non-surgical procedure for facial rejuvenation that involves controlled skin injury. By causing tiny injuries to the…

Treating Scabies


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Scabies is an itchy, highly contagious skin disease caused by an infestation of the human itch mite (Sarcoptes scabies). The tiny mites burrow into the upper layer of the skin where they live and lay eggs. Intense itching and a pimpled skin rash are the most common symptoms of scabies. This skin disease is spread…

Multifetal Pregnancy


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A multifetal pregnancy is when a woman is pregnancy with more than a single fetus. Multifetal pregnancies account for approximately 1% of all pregnancies; however they are much higher in women who have used in-vitro fertilization to conceive. The vast majority of multifetal pregnancies are twin pregnancies, but they also consist of triplets, quadruplets, and…

Cheek Augmentation


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As we age, people begin to notice signs all over their bodies. From muscle aches to joint aches to sagging skin, time takes its toll on all of us. The face is one of the first places where people begin to notice signs of growing older. Full, defined cheeks are quintessentially youthful; however over time…

Neck Lift Surgery


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Neck lift surgery offers the improvement of appearance of the neck. Age is the number one culprit when it comes to sagging skin, and the neck is no stranger to being affected. Many people feel that they have excess skin on their neck resulting in a “turkey wattle.” Others feel that they have no distinction…

Cervical Cancer Screening


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The Papanicolaou smear (Pap Test) is a test used to screen women for cervical cancer. Pap tests can find cervical cancer and precancerous cells in the early stages when cervical cancer can be treated. Cervical cancer screening has been effective in reducing the number of deaths from cervical cancer because of the high rate of…

First Gynecologist Appointment


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Seeing a gynecologist for the first time is often very overwhelming and nerve wracking for most females. Those parts that have been covered up and treated as private for so long are now being openly discussed and examined by a doctor. For many young ladies, the thought of this appointment is embarrassing and can bring…