Do you spend a significant amount of time on your phone or tablet gaming or texting? Many people have neck strain from constantly looking downward, a condition called text or gamer neck. If you have gamers neck, there are posture changes and treatments that can give you relief. What is Gamers Neck? Gamer neck is…
A deviated septum is a condition where the septum or cartilage between the nostrils is off-center. It is estimated that up to 80% of people have this condition to some extent, which can cause nasal obstruction. Learn how to perform a deviated septum self test to see if you have this condition. Causes and Symptoms…
When someone is diagnosed as “legally blind,” it does not necessarily mean that they have no sight at all. It only means that their eyesight is extremely poor and cannot be corrected to a certain level. What prescription is legally blind? Here is what you need to know about legally blind vision. The term “blind”…
When you put in contact lenses, you expect to see clearly. If you put in a new contact, blurry vision should not be the result. Your contacts may not provide the sight you expected for a few reasons. If you are wondering, “Why are my contacts blurry?” here are some possibilities. Contact lenses are based…