Our Blog

Does Your Baby Have Eczema?


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Up to 20% of infants have a skin condition called eczema, a group of medical conditions that cause red inflammation of the skin. This skin malady can be uncomfortable for the child and difficult to control for the parents. If you have an infant that has begun having itchy skin areas, you may have a…

Vitiligo Signs and Treatment Options


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Vitiligo is a loss of pigment in the skin, often resulting in white patches of skin, changes in hair or eye color and other tissues. This disease can affect anyone and is thought to have several possible causes. Although there is no cure for vitiligo, it is treatable, especially if you catch the disease in…

Menopause, Osteoporosis and Bone Density Scans


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If you are a woman in your thirties or older, you most likely have already began to lose bone density. At some point during their thirties, most women begin to start losing bone mass, making them more likely to fracture bones and eventually be prone to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that makes bones…

Educating Adolescent Women on Reproductive Health


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Do you have a daughter that is approaching puberty? One of the decisions you will need to make is how to discuss the changes that she will physically be undergoing over the next few years. This can be uncomfortable for some parents but it is necessary to prepare your daughter for the next stage of…

Medical Checklist for Your First Pregnancy Doctor Visit


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You just found out your pregnant – congratulations! If your pregnancy has been confirmed by a doctor and you are at least eight weeks pregnant, you will need to schedule your first doctor appointment to discuss your pregnancy plan. This is the most important and lengthy appointment that most pregnant women go through during their…

Surgical Repair of a Child s Cleft Lip


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The cleft lip is the 2nd most common congenital birth defect in children, occurring in an estimated 1 out of 750-1000 births. This deformity causes the lip to not join together and can be as simple as a small grove in an upper lip to a large groove extending to the bottom of the nostril.…

Can Earrings Damage Your Ear Lobes?


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One of the most popular jewelry items for both men and women is earrings. From small diamond studs to large gauges, it is common to see ear lobes decorated with jewelry. However, many people do not realize that wearing earrings can damage your ear lobes, even causing them to tear. If you have pierced ears…

Is Your Sports Injury Still Causing You Pain?


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You see it all the time. A professional athlete such as a football player breaks a collar bone, sprains an ankle or cracks a rib and often only misses a game or two before they are back on the field. Of course, they are in peak physical condition, but how does that make them heal…

Does My Ankle Injury Need Medical Attention?


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One of the most common areas to injure on the body, with good reason, is the ankle. We put these joints through the ringer, running, jumping and landing on them, expecting this combination of muscles, tendons and ligaments to keep you on your feet. However, just the right turn of the foot paired with pressure…

Managing Menopause Naturally


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Once a woman reaches forty-five, she can expect that menopause is right around the corner. It may start in her mid-forties or maybe she won’t begin experiencing those changes until she is in her fifties. But regardless of when it happens, it will happen, and for every woman it is different. If you are approaching…