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Myths About Breast Cancer


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Breast cancer awareness has improved over the last few decades, leading to an increased occurrence of early detection and survival of this deadly disease. However, there are still many myths about breast cancer that still are commonly believed even with a concentrated effort to educate the population. Here are some of the common myths that…

7 Reasons a Lip Lift is Used for Cosmetic Enhancement


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Lip LifA beautiful smile is one of the best attributes you can own, and that includes lovely lips. However, not everyone is born with well-defined, full lips. Even those who were blessed enough to have defined lips in their younger years may find their lips thinning and stretching in length as they age. An upper…

Is it Safe to Have an Unattractive Mole Removed?


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By adulthood, many people have moles on their body. The average person can have between 10-40 moles on different places on their body, with most appearing by the age of thirty. A mole is simply a collection of skin cells that can tend to be a darker pigment than the surrounding skin. They can be…

Is It Time to Consider Blepharoplasty?


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The eyes are among the most impressionable features on your face, with the ability to portray your emotions, reflect your level of energy and tell your age. Unfortunately, your eyes can also make you look older or more tired than you really are. When it comes to the eyes, facial aging displays itself as sagging…

Why Choose the Deep Plane Facelift


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When it comes to facelift surgery, today’s menu of options is expansive. Modern and advanced techniques now allow patients to turn back the hands of time with less scarring and less downtime than ever before. However, when it comes to the longest-lasting and most natural-looking results in facelift surgery, the deep plane facelift technique continues…

Why Your Cracked Tooth Needs Treatment


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Your teeth are incredibly durable. In fact, they are made of the strongest substance in your entire body. However, your teeth are not invincible. There are many reasons that can cause a tooth to crack or break. You may have damaged your tooth by biting down on a hard candy or hitting the concrete during…

Finding the Root Cause of Illnesses


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Many times traditional or Western medicine focuses on treating the symptoms of illnesses instead of the root cause. Medications are given to relieve digestive, fatigue, depression and anxiety disorders without finding or treating the cause of these symptoms. If you have continued to suffer with ongoing health issues and side effects of medications given for…

Dangers of Taking Painkillers for Back Pain


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Back pain can be difficult to live with and sufferers often seek any relief they can. Unfortunately, one of the options is using prescription painkillers to help dull the discomfort. While short-term use of painkillers for an injury is understandable, when the injury is to the back or spine, quick recovery is not always the…

Spider Veins and Sclerotherapy


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Do you have spider veins that you want removed? One of the most effective treatments for spider veins is sclerotherapy. For those who have this condition, it can be embarrassing to wear clothing that reveals these enlarged veins that are associated with aging. With the help of sclerotherapy, you can minimize the appearance of these…

Should You Use Epidural Anesthesia During Childbirth?


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If you are pregnant, you have so many decisions to make before you give birth to your new child. Many of them will be about the delivery process and how you want to bring your child into the world. If you are planning a vaginal delivery, you will want to decide whether you want to…