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Dangers of Taking Painkillers for Back Pain


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Back pain can be difficult to live with and sufferers often seek any relief they can. Unfortunately, one of the options is using prescription painkillers to help dull the discomfort. While short-term use of painkillers for an injury is understandable, when the injury is to the back or spine, quick recovery is not always the…

Spider Veins and Sclerotherapy


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Do you have spider veins that you want removed? One of the most effective treatments for spider veins is sclerotherapy. For those who have this condition, it can be embarrassing to wear clothing that reveals these enlarged veins that are associated with aging. With the help of sclerotherapy, you can minimize the appearance of these…

Should You Use Epidural Anesthesia During Childbirth?


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If you are pregnant, you have so many decisions to make before you give birth to your new child. Many of them will be about the delivery process and how you want to bring your child into the world. If you are planning a vaginal delivery, you will want to decide whether you want to…

Is Liposuction the Right Option for You?


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Anyone who has struggled to lose weight and create a fit body knows how hard it can be to accomplish. The thought of having that extra fat quickly removed can sound appealing. Liposuction can be used to surgically remove fat in one quick procedure, but it is not a magical solution for weight loss. Instead,…

Understanding Blistering Skin Disease


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Most people have had a blister from friction or a burn. However, when blisters form without an obvious cause, it can be a sign of a blistering skin disease. These skin disorders are autoimmune diseases that can cause blistering of the skin or mucus membranes, often without a cure. However, it is important to have…

The Three Chapters of Menopause


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Women go through many phases of during their life with their reproductive system, the final being menopause. However, this final phase actually lasts several years and has three chapters, starting with perimenopause and ending with postmenopause. To prepare for this final phase, it is helpful to know what to expect and the options for dealing…

Erase Signs of Aging with Portrait PSR


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Most people have heard of laser therapy treatments to reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone. Options such as the CO2 laser can have a dramatic effect on skin tone. However, there is a new skin treatment that have the same benefits as powerful laser therapy with less side effects. Portrait PSR uses nitrogen-based plasma energy…

Can My Birthmark Be Removed?


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Do you have a birthmark that is embarrassing or disfiguring to your appearance? Many people are born with birthmarks somewhere on their body. While some are easily covered with clothing, those with birthmarks on their face or other exposed areas can be self-conscious and wonder whether they can have the mark removed. There are different…

Who Is at High Risk of Osteoporosis?


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Osteoporosis is a silent disease that can strike people of almost any age, gender or ethnicity. This disease weakens the bones to the point where fractures can be caused by normal activities, causing pain and disability. While no one is immune to the possibility of osteoporosis, there are people who are at higher risk for…

Can Teenagers Have Rhinoplasty?


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Rhinoplasty, or the “nose job”, is still one of the most commonly performed plastic surgeries for cosmetic enhancement of the face. Since the nose is such a prominent feature, the size and shape can affect the entire appearance of a person’s face. Teens that have a larger or misshaped nose are particularly self-conscious and often…