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5 Common Issues Resolved Through Otoplasty


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Otoplasty or ear cosmetic surgery is used for resolving several common ear issues. Your ears are an essential part of your hearing but also have a large impact on your appearance. Ear shape and size can affect your appearance; many people are self-conscious or embarrassed due to large or misshapen ears. Otoplasty is a specialized…

What Is the Best Facelift After Weight Loss?


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Many people in their forties, fifties and beyond can notice a big difference in their face after significant weight loss. While their body may be smaller and more fit, they can seem to age decades due to the weight loss. Facelifts after large amounts of weight loss can be different than the typical facelift procedure.…

Are Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medicine the Same?


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The world of natural medicine is surrounded by myths in the U.S., although more and more people are choosing to include a natural medicine doctor as part of their wellness team. However, the prevalence of myths about this field of medicine continue, including understanding the difference between a homeopathic and a naturopathic doctor. To make…

Physical Therapy for Children


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Many people think of physical therapy as a way to bounce back from an injury. However, using specific movements, stretches and exercises can be beneficial for many illnesses and diseases, including those that affect children. Physical therapy can be used for a variety of problems that young children face, giving them more mobility and freedom…

Tips for Avoiding Knee Pain and Injuries


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Knee pain and injuries are common amongst athletes, but also plague people of all ages and physical health. These joints are constantly under stress that can cause injury to the tendons, ligaments and tissues in and surrounding the knee. They also can be affected by different illnesses and diseases. While not all knee ailments can…

Scabies Facts


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A bumpy, itchy rash is the first sign that a person may have scabies. This common disease is an infestation of human mites that burrow under the skin and cause irritation. Although there are certain risk factors, anyone can contract scabies, regardless of their race, gender, age or social-economic status. Here are a few facts…

Breast Reconstruction After a Mastectomy


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Many women who have had breast cancer undergo a lumpectomy or mastectomy where part or most of the breast tissue is removed. While this can be part of an effective treatment to stop the spread of cancer, it can leave physical and mental scars when the patient no longer has the breasts they once had.…

Facts and Myths about Oral Herpes


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Cold sores and fever blisters on and around the mouth area are symptoms of oral herpes, known as herpes simplex virus 1 or HSV-1. Most people are exposed at some point to this virus and have experienced the painful and embarrassing sores on or around their mouth. However, there are misconceptions about this virus, how…

Planning Your First Pregnancy


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If you are finally ready to take the first step in becoming a mother, you should begin preparing mentally and physically for the journey ahead. While many pregnancies are unplanned, when you have the opportunity to prepare before you become pregnant, you can give you and your baby a healthy running start. The first step…

Improve the Appearance of Your Nose Without Surgery


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Do you wish you could change the shape of your nose but don’t want to have rhinoplasty or a “nose job”? A liquid or non-surgical nose job may be the right solution for you. Injectable cosmetic fillers have become popular for transforming facial features without the risk, pain or downtime of surgery. Now even the…