Our Blog

What Is Spondylosis and How Is It Treated?


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Spondylosis is the degeneration of the spine, which can impact the facets joints and discs. The elements of the spine are affected by aging; everyone incurs degeneration of bone and cartilage eventually. However, though aging cannot be stopped, there are treatments for spondylosis that can help minimize pain and improve mobility. Spondylosis and spinal osteoarthritis…

What Should I Do if I Get Hives?


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Most people have experienced hives at one point or another in their lives. Red, raised welts on the skin appear, often itchy and inflamed. They can be a reaction to plants, insect bites or allergens. Most hives go away within 24-hours, but they can be a sign of a more serious problem. Here are some…

What Are the Best Options for Long-Term Contraceptives?


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If you are not planning or wanting to become pregnant in the next few years, you may want to explore long-term contraceptive options. While oral contraceptives and devices like a diaphragm are good choices for short-term contraceptives, they can be inconvenient for those without pregnancy in mind for the upcoming years. If you do not…

What You Need to Know About Shingles


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Shingles are a virus that can cause painful blistering that can last for weeks. Many people think that shingles only affect older adults or those with health issues. However, anyone who has had the chickenpox at any point in their life already has this virus in their bloodstream, lying dormant, but ready to strike at…

The Importance of At-Home Breast Exams


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When was the last time you performed a breast exam on yourself? You may receive a breast exam at your annual visit with your OB/GYN, but that is not often enough to catch changes that many occur in the breast tissue that may alert you to breast cancer. You know your body better than anyone…

Fade Away Skin Discolorations with IPL Treatment


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Do you have dark spots or discolorations on your skin you want gone? Laser treatment can be an effective option to fade sun spots, hyperpigmentation, rosacea and other skin issues. Intense pulsed light or IPL treatment is a laser option that specifically targets darkened flaws on the skin, restoring an even coloring that can make…

How Skin Treatments Can Increase Your Self-Esteem


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When you feel self-conscious of skin flaws, it can hard to be confident of your appearance. Acne scars, hyperpigmentation, large pores, wrinkles, sun damage and other skin problems can be very noticeable, making them difficult to hide. Skin treatments like laser therapy, chemical peels and facials can diminish minor flaws on your face and improve…

How to Improve Your Quality of Life with Spinal Decompression


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The spine is a complicated system of the body which can impact many aspects of your health. The nerves that travel to your organs and limbs must have free space along the spine; the spine also helps you bend, twist and move your body. Unfortunately, the spine is also one of the first places to…

What Are the Dangers of Arrhythmia?


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When you have arrhythmia, your heartbeat is irregular. It can mean your heart is beating quicker than it should, too slow, or in an abnormal pattern. While some types of arrhythmia do not cause health issues, it is always important to have any heart irregularity monitored by a cardiologist. In some cases, arrhythmia can lead…

Hair Transplants for Beards and Mustaches


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Facial hair has become a hot trend in men’s personal style. A well-groomed beard, mustache or goatee is a popular asset to have, creating a masculine and attractive appearance. However, not everyone can grow a full beard or mustache; patchy or thin facial hair is common due to genetics or interruptions in the follicles. Hair…