Our Blog

What Are the Symptoms of Shoulder Cartilage Damage?


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All joints have cartilage that protects the bones when they move and bend, including the shoulder joint. Damaged cartilage is often the cause of joint dysfunction and pain, whether it is the knee, elbow or shoulder. Cartilage damage can be caused by degenerative disease, wear and tear, or injury, leading to inflammation and other problems.…

Do You Have Persistent Cold Sores?


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If you have been plagued by cold sores, you know how uncomfortable and embarrassing they can become when an outbreak occurs. Many people experience this condition from childhood and live through outbreaks in their teen and adult years. While common, cold sores are still a nuisance and most people would prefer to limit or halt…

Importance of Prenatal Care


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At the first sign you may be pregnant, you want to make an appointment with a OB/GYN to determine whether you may have a baby on board. If you find out you are in fact pregnant, you are at the right place to begin your prenatal care. Knowing how to care for yourself and your…

Breakthrough Treatment Options for Psoriasis


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For those that have suffered from psoriasis and found few treatments that offered relief, there are new options that have promising results. Breakthrough treatments are now available that can help those with psoriasis and other skin conditions reduce outbreaks and clear away rashes. Taltz and Cosentyx are two medications that have been released in the…

Treatment Options for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)


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Most people are familiar with premenstrual syndrome or PMS, which has a variety of symptoms that can impact woman before and during their menstrual period. However, for some women, the symptoms can be more severe. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD and PMS are similar, but PMDD has more symptoms and issues during the week before…

What Cosmetic Treatments Can Remove Eye Bags?


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Depressions or droopy tissue under the eyes can create the appearance of eye bags, which can make you appear older, sad and tired. Often this occurs when the skin and tissue under the eyes sag, or the fat in the upper cheek droops or dissipates. Whatever the cause, eye bags are not a desirable trait…

What Causes Pinched Nerves?


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Many different nerves run on pathways throughout your body, most streaming out from the spinal cord. These nerves are the electrical pathways of the brain, sending signals back and forth for movement and sensation. While these biological communicators are phenomenal at what they do, interference along the way can cause pain and dysfunction. When a…

Improve Your Smile with a Lip Lift


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Do your lips hide your teeth or have they lost their shape over the years? One option to improve your smile and overall appearance is a lip lift. This cosmetic surgery can address many different issues with the lips and enhance one of your best features – your smile.  What Is a Lip Lift? In…

When is an Open Repair Necessary for an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)?


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An abdominal aortic aneurysm or AAA occurs when there is a weakened area on the wall of an aorta located in the abdomen. If not treated, an AAA can rupture, causing internal bleeding and even death. When an AAA is diagnosed or identified, there are two main types of treatments that are typically used if…

Why You Should Add a ND to Your Healthcare Team


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Many people believe that naturopathic doctors or NDs are separate from other types of medical or healthcare professionals. While they are specialists, NDs can be a cohesive part of your healthcare team, not just an alternative to western medical care. Having an ND as a member of your healthcare team can have many advantages, helping…