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How to Reduce Lines in your Forehead


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An area of concern for many people is their forehead.  As aging occurs, the lines in the forehead can get deeper and deeper. There are several procedures in cosmetic surgery that are aimed at the brow and forehead area. Non-Surgical Approaches A less invasive approach for younger patients who would like to see the smoothening…

What is Cryo Body Sculpting and Does it Work?


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Everyone wishes they could lose a few unwanted inches in difficult areas. Exercise and diet are of course the best course of action to get the body you want, however, some want to see those results in less time. Cryo Body Sculpting is an option that many people are finding more and more desirable. Cryo…

Top 3 Most Common Cosmetic Procedures


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Plastic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic procedures are popular amongst both men and women. Every year there are millions of procedures performed to enhance appearance and correct deformities. In 2016, 1.78 million cosmetic surgeries and 15.4 minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures were performed in the U.S. The three top cosmetic surgeries in 2016 were: Breast augmentation. 290, 467…

Top 3 Myths About Depression


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Depression affects millions of people around the globe, yet so much is misunderstood about this disease. Feeling “depressed” is not the same as having clinical depression, which may be why there are so many myths that are still believed about this disease. Yes, depression is a disease, not a mental infliction, and it needs to…

How to Remain Active at Any Age


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It is no secret that getting older can be painful. Joints and muscles hurt more than they did before, making staying active difficult. Health issues can cause other problems that limit mobility, such as poor circulation, vertigo and balance problems. However, remaining active is the best way to combat many health problems, but how do…

Signs and Symptoms of an Abnormal Period


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Menstrual periods come and go, often like clockwork for many women. Every 28 days or so, the inevitable 3-5 days of female flow comes, usually without much fuss. For many women, this is just an inconvenience and a part of life. However, when these periods begin to stray from the norm, it can be a…

To Botox or Not to Botox


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By far, the most popular cosmetic procedure in the U.S. is Botox. Over 7 million treatment were given in 2016, overshadowing any other surgical or non-surgical cosmetic procedure. Botox has many uses, including treatment excessive sweating and muscles spasms, but it is best known for its anti-aging properties to diminish wrinkles. If you have been…

Tips on How to Reduce Shin Splints


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Many runners, especially beginners and those in training, experience painful shin splints. While this injury can occur in other sports, it is very common in runners. Shin splints cause pain in the front outside or back inside of the calf or shin. This pain is caused by tighten calf muscles combined with weaker shin muscles…

Top 3 Skin Care Tips for a Fabulous Complexion


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Keeping your skin looking great is a wonderful asset at any age. One of the best ways to have a clear, healthy complexion is having a daily skin care routine. Using the right cleansers and moistures for your skin type is a good start – but sometimes preventive care is the best way to keep…

3 Skin Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore


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For the last few decades, the number of skin cancer diagnoses have increased, with more incidences of skin cancer than all other cancers combined. One in five Americans is expected to get skin cancer, with about 5.4 million cases of non-melanoma cancer diagnosed each year and another estimated 87,110 cases of melanoma are expected in…