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What Are the Most Common Breast Augmentation Approaches?


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All breast augmentations are not the same. The techniques used in the surgery can have a big difference in the appearance and longevity of the breast implants. Choosing the right plastic surgeon and surgical approach can ensure you get the results you desire for your investment into your appearance. Here are a few of the…

Benefits of Cyroplasty for Artery and Vascular Disease


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Angioplasty is a common treatment to open arteries to prevent blockages and improve circulation. One type of angioplasty is cyroplasty, a specialized option that uses both balloon dilation and cryotherapy to open arteries, reduce plaque and improve blood flow. This treatment can be effective for some types of artery and peripheral vascular disease that cause…

What Is a Healthy Diet?


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You hear it and read about it all the time: Eat a healthy diet. However, this is an abstract concept and what is considered “healthy” is certainly a matter of opinion. The USDA has its food pyramid, but many physicians and nutrition experts disagree with the perimeters set in this basic outline of food intake.…

Rejuvenating Treatments for Younger Looking Hands


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You take care of the skin on your face to help you look more youthful and attractive, but often the hands are forgotten. Those with a youthful face can give their true age away when they neglect to care for the skin on their hands. Your hands are exposed to the elements, both indoors and…

Therapy Options for Lower Back Pain


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Lower back pain affects millions of people, both from injury and degenerative problems. The pain can impact mobility and quality of life for sufferers. While some lower back issues may require surgery, non-invasive therapy is always a better option with less risk, and often, effective results. If you have lower back pain, there are treatments…

What Is Non-Invasive Body Sculpting?


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Would you like to change the appearance of your body, especially areas that have excess fat deposits? Diet and exercise can only go so far in changing your body shape. Often, there are areas that are resistant to fat loss, even with the most stringent diet and exercise program. One option to consider that can…

How to Find the Right Orthopedic Surgeon


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If you are considering surgery or treatment for a back, spine or sports injury, you want to find an orthopedic surgeon that has the qualifications and experience you need. While there may be many orthopedic clinics to choose from, not all offer the same services and options when it comes to treatment. You deserve to…

What Is Pregnancy Genetic Screening?


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Medical advancements have made it possible to screen your genes to understand factors that can affect your health. There are genetic markers that can be detected that alert you to possible risks for your health and what genes you may pass on to your offspring. Pregnancy genetic screening has become more common, both before and…

Benefits of Seeing a Professional Dermatologist


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Medical specialties like dermatology give you access to physicians that have advanced training and education in specific areas. When it comes to your skin, hair and nails, dermatologists are the professional experts in good health and treating diseases that affect these areas. While your general physician may be able to diagnose and treat some skin…

Can You Reverse Skin Sun Damage?


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Excess exposure to sunlight is known to damage the skin. While serious health issues can occur like skin cancer, there is also the superficial concern over the affect the sun can do to the appearance of the skin. Brown spots, wrinkles, discolorations and dry skin can all be effects of sun damage to the skin,…