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4 Options for Removing Brow Frown Lines


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Do you have permanent frown lines etched on your brow? The typical “11” lines between the eyebrows or the horizonal lines that appear on the forehead can make you look grumpy and older, even when you feel happy and youthful. These lines appear as the skin loses its elasticity, create a line or wrinkle from…

Treatment Options for a Broken Kneecap


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The patella or kneecap is a protective piece of bone that covers the knee joint. While it is meant to protect the knee from injury, it can also be damaged or broken. Direct impact is usually the cause of kneecap injuries, such as falling directly on the knee on a solid surface. When a kneecap…

Facial Benefits of Micro Needling


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When your skin heals itself as it naturally does, it can have a beautiful effect. Collagen is triggered and new skin cells form, which can make the skin appear more youthful and vibrant. The trick is to achieve this healing effect without any actual harm to your skin. Micro needling is a facial treatment that…

Are You Ready to Try Botox?


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You would have needed to live under a rock for the last decade to not hear about Botox. Millions of people, both men and women, use Botox for a variety of reasons, but mostly to appear more youthful. This quick-fix to lines and wrinkles is immensely popular, but is it the right option for you?…

Midwife Match-up: Choosing the Right One


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Choosing to use a midwife to guide you during pregnancy and through delivery can offer many benefits. Most women decide to use a midwife when they prefer a more personalized, natural approach to delivering their child. However, not all midwives offer the same services or have the same level of training. Finding the right match…

How to Cope with Gestational Diabetes


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It is estimated that over nine percent of pregnant women obtain gestational diabetes during the later stages of their pregnancy. This type of diabetes occurs in women that have no previous history of diabetes and dissipates after delivery. However, if not controlled, it can be harmful to the baby, which is why it is so…

What is Achilles Tendonitis?


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A very common injury that active people suffer from is achilles tendonitis.  The achilles tendon is a very important ligament that attaches the calf muscle to the bones of the heel. It is a very important tendon that is used for jumping, running, and walking.  While this tendon is very strong, it isn’t very flexible…

Nevi, or Mole Removal


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One of the most common birthmarks is the nevi, or mole.  A mole is simply the clustering of cells in the skin, rather than the gradual spreading of the cells.  They may be flesh colored or pigmented with sun exposure. They usually appear more visibly at age 20 and most people have them. While a…

Microneedling Snail Facial Treatment


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One of the newest trends in skin treatment is the snail facial.  Yep, it is exactly what you think. People are putting snail mucous on their faces. While it sounds like a nightmare, the results have been surprisingly effective. The treatment requires microneedling, a procedure that requires the technician to make tons of tiny pinpricks…

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Plastic Surgery


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Deciding to get plastic surgery is a major decision that can change your life, hopefully for the better. It requires an investment in time and money, and can alter your appearance forever. Before you make this decision, you should be completely sure that it is the right choice for you. Here are some questions to…