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Knee Sprain Treatments


knee pain

One of the most common sports injuries that people experience is a knee sprain.  It is a very general term used for pain around the knee caused by an unnatural movement.  New and experienced athletes often get hurt while exercising, but what exactly is damaged when you sprain your knee? There are four ligaments associated…

Acid Reflux and its Triggers


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Acid reflux is a very common ailment that people experience.  That burning sensation in your chest a while after eating makes you really wish you had made better choices when choosing your menu earlier in the day.  But what exactly is acid reflux, and what can you do to prevent it? Acid reflux, also known…

What Are the Benefits of Cosmetic Canthoplasty Surgery?


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Do your eyelids droop, making you look sleepy or older even when you feel young and energetic? Or do you have abnormalities due to genetics or trauma that impact the appearance of your eyelids or the shape of your eye? In many types of eyelid issues, cosmetic canthoplasty can improve the look and shape of…

Using Fat Grafting for Facial Enhancements


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One of the factors that makes facial features look youthful is plumpness to the skin, cheeks and lips. As you get older, fat and volume are lost in the face, allowing skin to sag and the face to become more angular. Dermal fillers can temporarily add volume under the skin, but this procedure needs to…

Difference Between Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Kidney Dialysis


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The kidneys are the filtering organs for the body, removing toxins that can impact the respiratory, cardiovascular and other systems of the body. When kidney failure occurs, those toxins buildup in the body, causing serious health issues and ultimately can be fatal. Kidney dialysis offers a solution to remove the toxins when the kidneys can…

Dangers of Ignoring a Kneecap Tracking Disorder


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The patella or kneecap is an essential component of the knee joint, helping reduce the effort needed for extension of the knee and allowing for more force from the quadricep muscles in the thigh. The kneecap is held in place by tendons and ligaments, situated at the end of the femur or thigh bone. When…

Advantages of Endoscopic Spine Surgeries


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Many neck, back and spine conditions can be treated through surgery, but conventional open surgery can require extensive recovery time and risks. Advancements in medical techniques and technology have improved the options for spine surgeries, including endoscopic procedures with many benefits over traditional open-spine surgery. Using only a tiny incision and specialized imaging and instruments,…

What is Hydrotherapy?


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Water is one of the key elements in life, sustaining the planet and everything that lives upon it. It is also a source for healing when used in certain types of therapies. Ingesting water is essential, but it can also be beneficial externally in the form of liquid, ice and steam. Hydrotherapy uses the different…

Symptoms and Treatment for Rosacea


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Rosacea is a common skin infliction that usually target the face, causing red patches that occur during flare-ups of the condition. Anyone can be susceptible to rosacea, but it is more common in people with fair complexions and women are more prone to the condition than men. Middle-aged women have the highest amount of cases,…

Treatments for Fungal Toenail Infections


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Do you have a yellow spot on a toenail that is beginning to get darker? It could be a fungal infection that is under the toenail, damaging the nail bed. If left untreated, the infection can worsen, causing discomfort, odor and possible loss of your toenail. The best option to cure the infection is to…