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Injections for Relief from Sacroiliac Joint Pain


Back Pain

Joint problems are a common cause of pain, but it is not just the joints on your limbs that can have issues. The sacroiliac joints are not visible joints like the wrist, shoulder, elbow or knee, but can have similar issues. These joints are in the lower back, connecting the hip bone and sacrum, the…

Myths About Sun Exposure and Skin Damage


Sun Exposure

There has been a wide-spread campaign to educate the public on the dangers of sun exposure and skin cancer. However, there are still many myths that people still believe when it comes to the dangers of skin damage from the sun. With the high number of skin cancer cases, more are diagnosed each year than…

What Makes Bellafill Dermal Filler Different?


Dermal Fillers

You can choose from many different dermal fillers, each with advantages and drawbacks. Many are used to add volume to lips or the skin, with different formulas that are better for certain areas. Filler injections can smooth wrinkles or lines or replace lost fat in the lips or cheeks. However, most dermal fillers do not…

Baby’s First Video: 3D/4D Ultrasounds



Most people have seen ultrasound pictures of a baby in the womb, the first glimpse that expecting parents get of their child before they are born. However, the unclear blobs of light and dark are no longer the only option in viewing a baby in the stages of development. Improved imaging is now available to…

How Does Botox Give Relief for TMJ?



For those with temporo-mandibular joint disorder, often referred to as TMJ or TMD, symptoms can range from a sore jaw and facial pain to headaches and problems opening/closing the jaw. TMJ is not caused by one issue, but a combination of symptoms that can be present when there is a problem with the jaw joint…

Get Darker Eyelashes and Brows with Tinting


Eyebrow Tinting

The eyes are the feature that women are most likely to enhance with makeup, including mascara to darken the lashes and pencils to shape and darken the brows. Adding color makes the eyes “pop” and is especially noticeable on those with lighter lashes and brows. The problem is that mascara and brow liners wear off,…

Are Male Face and Neck Lifts More Difficult?


Male Plastic Surgery

More and more men are opting to undergo facial plastic surgery to combat the effects of aging, but there are some differences in male versus female procedures. Male facelifts and neck lifts are two of the most commonly performed surgeries to create a more youthful appearance, but there are some considerations that surgeons face when…

What Are Skin Tags?


Skin Tag

Almost every adult will have a skin tag at some point during their life, with many people have dozens or more. These small skin growths are benign and do not pose a health risk, but they can be uncomfortable or cause aesthetic concerns. Here are the basics on skin tags and what options are available…

Tips for Flying with Sinusitis


traveler at airport

While traveling by plane can be a real headache, traveling by plane with sinus problems can be torture.  People with sinusitis can have difficulty flying as it already adds to the pressure they are already experiencing on a daily basis. Their sinuses close up and may even find it hard to breathe properly.  Here are…

What is Pyogenic Granuloma and is it Dangerous?



A type of skin growth that people may develop over time is pyogenic granuloma. They are most common on children or young adults, but they have been seen on patients of all ages. They are also associated with pregnant women. While their appearance may be startling as they grow, they are benign and may be…