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What is Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome?



Vascular malformations and bleeding issues can be symptoms of a genetic blood vessel disorder called Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome or OWR. This disease is also called hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia or HHT. This disease can pose a risk of internal bleeding and may need treatment to be controlled. Knowing the symptoms of OWR and risks can help those…

Why is Nasal Breathing Important?



If you suffer from nasal congestion or other issues that make it difficult to breathe through your nose, you may not believe it is a big concern. After all, you can breathe efficiently through your mouth and it can seem natural if you have a long history of nasal congestion. While you can survive breathing…

Regenerative Medicine for Sports Injuries


Ligament Sprain

Athletes of all levels can experience injuries that can be painful and debilitating. Pushing your body to the limits, whether you are training for your first marathon or to become a professional athlete, can come at a cost. Two of the most common sports injuries are strains and sprains. Muscle strains and ligament sprains can…

What are Turbinates in the Nose?


Enlarged turbinate

Stuffy, runny noses are never fun.  However, if you suffer from chronic nasal irritation, there may be another underlying cause.  Your turbinates may be enlarged. Turbinates are the part of the nose that warms and moistens the air we breathe. They are your personal humidifier. However, just like humidifiers for your home, they can malfunction.…

Treatment for Angiokeratoma


Skin Lesion

It is important to see a doctor if you notice any changes to your skin as you age. Thankfully, not all growths that appear are malignant. Like warts or skin tags, sometimes skin changes just occur. A common skin growth that may be identified is angiokeratoma. Angiokeratoma is a common skin lesion that may appear…

Arthritis in the Shoulder


Shoulder Arthritis

Shoulder pain can have many causes.  There are many parts to the shoulder that can get pulled or damaged over time.  However, when your pain has become chronic and it limits your abilities, it is time to see a doctor to check for arthritis. What is Shoulder Arthritis? Shoulder arthritis is the third most common…

Leaky Gut Syndrome


Stomach Ache

Everyone has the occasional stomach issue. Bloating, indigestion and diarrhea always happen at the worst time. But what if you have stomach problems often? Sometimes this has been referred to as Leaky Gut Syndrome. But what is it, and what can be done to improve it? What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? Doctors have been torn…

When Is a Skin Problem an Emergency?



Typically, skin disorders do not warrant a trip to the emergency room, but in some cases, they can. While you may not need to see a doctor the same day for ongoing acne, rosacea or psoriasis, when acute changes in your skin occur, it may require immediate medical care. Here are some of the skin…

Changes to Your Face After Weight Loss



Carrying excess weight can have an impact on your body – and also on the skin. Losing weight can help you feel better and be healthier, but it can also have some unwanted side effects. While you may be thinner and fit back into the sizes you once were in your clothes, your face also…

How to Look Years Younger with a Liquid Facelift


Liquid Facelift

Everyone knows that a facelift can help turn back the hands of time and create a more youthful appearance. However, not everyone is ready for or wants plastic surgery, even if they would prefer to look younger. Another less invasive and cost-effective option is the liquid facelift, an innovative procedure to help rejuvenate the skin…