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What You Need to Know About Leg Blood Clots


Blood Clot

Blood clots are thickened clumps of blood that can occur almost anywhere in the body in a vein or artery, but the most common place is in the legs. This is a natural occurrence – it can happen when you are injured or losing blood as a way to slow blood loss. These clots are…

In and Out Neck Lift Procedures


Neck Surgery

Does a slight double chin or a droopy jawline bother you every time you look in the mirror? The chin and neck area can have a dramatic impact on your appearance, affecting the definition of your jaw and profile. Neck lifts are used to remove excess fat and skin that can create a double chin…

Link Between Diet and Mental Health


Healthy Diet

Many people suffer from mental health issues, from depression and anxiety to fatigue, ADHD and lack of mental clarity. There are hundreds of pharmaceutical drugs that are prescribed for mental health issues, yet some of them can have worse side effects than the issue that they are designed to treat. In some cases, a simple…

Why Collagen Is Vital for Youthful-Looking Skin


Micro Needling

It is not a secret that skin changes as you get older. The changes are slow and subtle, but over the years the skin becomes thinner, less elastic, creating lines, wrinkles and a sagging appearance. Many of the aging effects are due to reduced collagen in the skin. The body produces less, and the skin…

How Can Platelet-Rich Plasma Help Hair Growth?


PRP Treatment

Did you know your blood contains components that help stimulate healing? When the platelets in your blood are concentrated, they can be introduced to areas that need healing and help with cell rejuvenation. Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a substance that is extracted from blood that can be used for helping wounds heal and cell…

3 Questions to Ask Your OB/GYN During Your Next Visit


Talk to your Doctor

Staying on top of your health takes initiative on your part. Just scheduling your visits for checkups is not enough; you need to be proactive in your health care, including your reproductive health. When you go to the doctor for preventive care, this is a good time to ask questions. At your next pap smear…

How to Overcome Physical Intimacy Issues


Talk to Doctor

When sexual intercourse is painful or uncomfortable, it can cause intimacy issues in a relationship. While intercourse is only one manifestation of intimacy, it is important in many partnerships for a close relationship. Ignoring the problem can lead to other issues in a marriage or partnership and could jeopardize your health. Finding out how to…

4 Cosmetic Procedures for Erasing Brow Lines



Your forehead tells a story, you just need to read the lines. Years of expressive face movements can create etched lines on your forehead and between your eyebrows, leaving you looking older and perpetually perturbed. If you have forehead horiztonal lines or the “11” between your brows, or a brow that is pressing your eyebrows…

What Causes Liver Cirrhosis?



When the liver is damaged due to lifestyle choices or disease, scar tissue can replace healthy tissue. This scar tissue is non-living hard, fibrous tissue that can overtake the liver. When enough scar tissue is present in the liver, it can impact the organ’s function. This is called liver cirrhosis and cannot be reversed. If…

Are Nasal Polyps Affecting Your Sinuses?


Nasal Polyps

If you have constant stuffiness in your nose or trouble with nasal breathing, you could have nasal polyps. These non-cancerous growths can restrict air flow in the nasal passages and sinuses, causing a variety of symptoms. If nasal polyps begin causing sinus issues or other nasal problems, there are treatment solutions. Here is what you…