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Surgical Repair for Droopy Eyes


Eyelid Surgery

When the upper eyelid does not open completely, the eyes look tired. Just a tiny droop can change the overall appearance of the eyes and face. A droopy eyelid is a condition called ptosis, which can be caused by ruptured tendons in the eyelid (acquired ptosis) or it can be congenital. Not only can this…

Juvederm: Volbella vs Vollure XC


Lip Lift

Facial fillers can have incredible results when used to enhance aging skin or lips. Two of the most popular products available include Juvéderm Volbella® and Juvéderm Vollure®. Both use the Juvederm hyaluronic acid gel that is highly desirable for creating natural, beautiful results. But which one of these products is the best option for achieving…

What Is Turbinate Reduction Surgery?


Inside the nasal walls are tissue formations that are called turbinates, ridges that warm and moisturize air as it passes through the nasal passage. When turbinates become enlarged, referred to as turbinate hypertrophy, they can cause nasal blockages that restrict air flow. When medication is not effective in reducing turbinate size, turbinate reduction surgery may…

What Can You Do For Contact Dermatitis?



Almost everyone has experienced a rash at some point in their life. Dry, red and itchy skin, often accompanied by bumps, is the tell-tale sign of a rash. There are many causes of rashes, including contact dermatitis. If you suffer from consistent rashes, you may have contact dermatitis. What Is Contact Dermatitis? As the name…

Hydrothermal Ablation for Excessive Menstrual Bleeding


Talk to your Doctor

For women that have excessive menstrual bleeding, life can be frustrating and inconvenient. When visits to an OB/GYN do not reveal any cancer or other illness causing the bleeding, there are a few different options for treatment. Oral contraceptives or an IUD may be recommended, but these are not always a good option or effective…

How Much Does Your Hair Affect Your Self-Confidence?


Hair Loss Treatment

It does not matter whether you are male or female – your appearance is important. While some may place more importance on how they look than others, most people have some aspects of their appearance that impacts their self-esteem. For many, it is their hair. Those strands on your head can be a source of…

Is It Time for a Second Facelift?


Secondary Facelift

When a facelift is done correctly using the latest techniques, it can turn back time and make you look a decade younger or more. Facelifts are the most effective treatment for sagging skin and tissue in the lower face, neck and jowls, restoring a more youthful appearance. While a facelift turns back time, it does…

Advantages of Transmetatarsal Amputation



When there is poor circulation to the lower extremities, serious tissue damage can occur. Vascular conditions can lead to gangrene, infection, necrosis and other detrimental tissue problems in the foot. To protect the connected appendage and health of the patient, foot or partial leg amputation can be required. One option can be transmetatarsal amputation (TMA),…

5 Reasons Winter is the Best Time to Have Liposuction


Winter Lipo

Have you been contemplating liposuction to finally reduce that belly or slim those thighs? Targeting problem areas that are resistant to fat loss with liposuction can be rewarding, giving you more confidence in your appearance. However, liposuction is plastic surgery and does require time to heal and recover. If you want to undergo this procedure,…

Common Symptoms of IBS


Gall Bladder

Close to 10% of the population suffers from irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. This digestive disorder can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, impacting how efficiently food is processed and eliminated from the body. IBS is not the same for everyone, but there are some common symptoms. Here are the most common symptoms associated with IBS: Painful,…