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5 Facial Blemishes Treated with Laser Therapy


Laser Skin Treatments

Using light energy to treat the skin has been evolving for decades. Now, more options are available to impact different layers of the skin, resulting in improved health and aesthetics for the face. Laser therapy can be used to help the skin rejuvenate and heal, reducing the appearance of many different blemishes. Here are five…

Can a Liquid Facelift to Slow Aging?


Botox Injections

For most people, evidence of facial aging begins in the thirties. The body slows on producing collagen, resulting in skin that is thinner and more vulnerable to sagging. Wrinkles and lines can begin to form on the brow, around the eyes and on the nasolabial fold around the mouth. To address changes in the skin,…

Winter is the Best Time for a Tummy Tuck


Tummy Tuck

Do you dream of having a flatter stomach and tighter skin on your abdomen? Pregnancy, weight fluctuations and aging can all change the skin, muscle and tissue on your tummy. Diet and exercise cannot always reverse changes to your abdomen. If a tummy tuck is on your wish list and you want a slimmer waist…

Liposuction Myths and Facts


Lipo Fact and Myth

Most people who have needed to lose weight wish they could simply have the fat removed. While liposuction may sound that simple, it is not as quick and easy as it may sound. Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures available, but there are still many myths about this surgery. Here are some…

How to Perform Skin Cancer Self-Exams


It is estimated that one in five people will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. Like most cancers, treating skin cancer has a higher rate of success when caught in the early stages. Performing a self-exam for signs of skin cancer is one of the best ways to detect early-stage skin cancer. Here…

Signs of Kidney Dysfunction


Back Pain

Your kidneys are responsible for elimination needed to sustain overall health. When kidneys are not performing as they should, it can impact wellness and indicate serious kidney problems. Unfortunately, many times kidney dysfunction goes undetected until the problem progresses into serious kidney disease. Detecting and treating kidney issues sooner can help protect these organs from…

Common Types of Vascular Birthmarks


Birthmark Removal

Many children are born with birthmarks or may have birthmarks that appear within a few weeks after birth. Most of these growths are vascular birthmarks and are rarely dangerous. However, whether or not they will require treatment depends on their type and location. Here are some of the most common types of vascular birthmarks and…

What You Need to Know About Colon Polyps


Colon Polyps

One of the earliest indicators of risk for colon cancer is polyps. Many colon polyps are considered pre-cancerous growths that can lead to this dangerous disease. Understanding what colon polyps are and what you can do to prevent them is important to protecting your health. What Is a Colon Polyp? Polyps are growths of mutated…

Non-Surgical Treatment for Rotator Cuff Injuries


Sports Injury

The tendons that surround the shoulder joint and allow the large range of movement are referred to as the rotator cuff. When these tendons are injured, it can cause extreme pain and limit mobility of the shoulder and arm. Severe rotator cuff injuries can require surgery. However, if there are partial tears or strain of…

Is Hormonal Imbalance Slowing Your Metabolism?


Alternative Medicine

Many factors affect whether you gain or lose weight. Anyone who has struggled with maintaining a healthy weight knows it is difficult to lose fat. When diet and exercise are not effective in maintaining your weight, there may be an issue with your metabolism. One factor that can be responsible is hormonal imbalance, an issue…