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Common Types of Aortic Conditions


Vascular System

Starting at the left ventricle of the heart, the aorta is the largest artery in the body. It supplies the body with oxygenated blood, making it vital to sustaining life. The aorta has four components that deliver blood to different areas, including the ascending aorta, the thoracic aorta, the descending thoracic aorta and the abdominal…

Improve Your Smile with a Lip Lift


Lip Lift

It is not just the dentist that can help create a beautiful smile. Your lips have a big impact on your smile and mouth appearance. If your upper teeth are hidden when you smile, you have a thin upper lip or the space between your lip and nose is too long, it can affect the…

Benefits of Adding an ND to Your Health Care Team


Talk to Doctor

For overall wellness, you may have many doctors as part of your health care team. You most likely have a primary physician and dentist; women are likely to have an OB/GYN for reproductive health. You may also have a dermatologist or other type of specialist. Another medical professional you should add is a naturopathic doctor…

Non-Surgical Treatment for a Meniscus Tear


Knee Pain

The meniscus is a layer of cartilage in the knee that protects the shinbone from rubbing against the thighbone. When a severe twist of the knee occurs, this layer of cartilage can tear. A meniscus tear can result in inflammation, pain, stiffness and difficult extending the knee. While rest, ice and physical therapy can relieve…

Symptoms and Treatment of Gallstone Pancreatitis


Gall Bladder

The pancreas is vital to the breakdown of foods in the digestive track. This small organ releases bile and enzymes into the small intestine to help breakdown foods. A small duct connects the pancreas with the upper small intestine; if this duct is blocked, it can cause acute pancreatitis which can cause pain, illness and…

Physical Therapy for Arthritis



There is no cure for arthritis, but there are treatments to help you improve your quality of life. If you suffer from arthritis, physical therapy can help you find ways to minimize pain and improve your mobility. Physical therapists specialize in helping the body move safely and effectively, helping those with various health conditions including…

Common Vehicle Accident Back and Neck Injuries


Back Pain

Vehicle accidents injure millions of people each year in the U.S. Musculoskeletal injuries of the neck, back and spine are amongst the most common injuries reported after an auto accident. These injuries can seem minor at first, but many can cause long-term pain and mobility problems. Here are some of the most common back and…

Side Effects of Constricted Nasal Cavities


Enlarged turbinate

When the nasal cavities or passages become constricted due to inflammation, scar tissue, polyps or changes in your sinuses, it can affect many aspects of your day-to-day life. Many people live with chronic sinus or nasal issues, dealing with the side effects. If you have trouble breathing through your nose, you could be experiencing many…

Blepharoplasty: Upper, Lower or Both?



What do your eyes say about you? Do bags under your eyes say that you are tired, even when you feel well-rested and ready to tackle the world? Do you have upper eyelids that are droopy, giving the impression you are older or just uninterested in tackling a new adventure? Your eyes say a lot,…

Keeping Your Skin Healthy During Dry Seasons


Mole Checks

Depending on where you live, you can face dry air that affects your skin during different times of year. Some regions have dry winters, while for others, summers tend to be the driest. Whenever the air is dry, you can notice changes in your skin. Scaly, rough skin is uncomfortable and unattractive. To keep your…