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Understanding Viruses and Your Immune System



Everyone knows that viruses exist in many forms, but not everyone really understands how viruses can attack the body. With the recent worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19, it is more important than ever to know how viruses spread and how the immune system can fight off these deadly pathogens. Here is some basic information…

Safeguarding Your Health During Pregnancy


pregnant woman

The excitement of learning you are pregnant can often be followed by concerns on how to keep you and your baby safe. Nine months is a long journey, and there are risks that can impact your health and pregnancy. First-time mothers can be especially concerned on what they can and cannot do during their pregnancy.…

8 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Skin Cancer


woman concerned about skin cancer

When the sun comes out and the days become warmer, people of all ages begin spending more time outdoors. While it is healthy to go for a hike or a swim for exercise and to breathe in the fresh air, there is always a risk lurking ahead. More than two million people each year are…

5 Facts About Rosacea



It is estimated that 300 million people suffer from rosacea, a skin condition that often manifests with red, bumpy patches. There are theories on what causes rosacea but the exact cause is not known. Correlations have been made between the disease and high risk groups, including fair-skinned ethnicities, women and family-history of the disease. Here…

Early Management of Knee Osteoarthritis


Knee Pain

Many people begin experiencing knee pain and discomfort from osteoarthritis as early as their thirties and forties. Swelling and pain can impact mobility, with symptoms progressively becoming worse if there is no management of the disease. Early management can help slow the deterioration of the knee cartilage and improve the mobility and quality of life…

Do Gallstones Require Treatment?


Gall Bladder

The gall bladder is responsible for making and storing bile, then releasing it into the small intestine to facilitate digestion. In some people, gallstones can form inside the gall bladder. These “stones” are made from calcium, cholesterol, bilirubin and other substances, ranging in size from a grain of sand to as large as a golf…

Kybella Injections or Liposuction for a Double Chin?



If you have decided it is time to find a solution to slim your double chin, you have two main cosmetic options available. Kybella injections are a non-invasive treatment that can decrease chin fat, while liposuction is a surgical procedure that can remove the fat causing a double chin. Both can be effective for creating…

Dangers of Leg Blood Clots


Deep Vein Thrombosis

Blood clots form when platelets or thickened plasma create a solid mass inside veins. This is most common in the legs, often occurring when there is poor circulation, limited mobility or other risk factors present. Leg blood clots or deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can affect anyone and can cause serious health problems and even death.…

Symptoms and Treatment for Shoulder Impingement


Sports Injury

Shoulder pain can hinder your daily activities. If there is inflammation or damage impacting your rotator cuff, you may have shoulder impingement. Those who put extra, repeated stress on their shoulders like swimmers, baseball players, construction workers and painters may find they are experiencing pain and weakness in their shoulders caused by shoulder impingement. Here…

Treatments for Vascular Tumors


Talk to Doctor

Vascular tumors are malformations of abnormal cells from blood or lymph vessels. They can appear anywhere on the body and can be benign or malignant. Treatments and management of vascular tumors can very from medications to complex surgery, depending in the type and dangers of the tumor. Medications for Vascular Tumors There are effective medications…