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How Much Shoulder Surgery Recovery Time Is Needed?


A doctor checking how is the patient's shoulder healing after surgery.

Deciding to have shoulder surgery to repair an orthopedic condition is a big decision. Orthopedic surgery is usually elective, but it can have a major impact on your quality of life. One of the factors you should consider when planning for shoulder surgery is how much recovery and downtime will be needed. Here are some…

What Is Azotemia? Types, Causes and Treatments


Woman with azotemia symptoms before CT scan for diagnosis.

The kidneys are vital organs that remove waste from the body. When they are not working properly, it can lead to high concentrations of harmful substances in the body, including nitrogen and serum creatine. One condition that can occur when the kidneys are damaged by injury, disease or other factors is azotemia, which can lead…

Marie Antionette Syndrome: The Myths and the Facts


Shocked young woman suffering from Marie Antionette syndrome who has just discovered gray strand of hair.

There are great stories about characters in history and in movies who have their hair suddenly turn white. For thousands of years, tales have been told of people with canities subita, which is Latin for “sudden grey hair.” Even with the medical knowledge we now have about how and why hair turns grey, this phenomenon…

Precordial Catch Syndrome – What Are the Causes and Symptoms?


Teenage boy with precordial catch syndrome symptoms

Pain in the chest area can be concerning, especially since important organs like the lungs and heart reside in the chest. Chest pains can be signs of lung or heart problems, but that is not always the case. One cause of chest pain is called precordial catch syndrome, a disorder that primarily affects children, adolescents…

What Can Cause a Swollen Preauricular Lymph Node?


Concerned man touching his neck on sides checking his swollen preauricular lymph nodes.

Ever woken to an unexpected lump in front of your ear that’s unnervingly tender? Welcome to the world of preauricular lymph nodes and their mysterious swellings! Swollen lymph nodes are usually messengers of distress, indicating a nearby skirmish between your immune system and an unwelcome invader – an infection or disease. A swollen preauricular lymph…

Are Sinus Infections Contagious?


Woman with sinus infection blowing her nose.

With so much concern about contagious diseases like virus infections, you may wonder if other infections are contagious. Are sinus infections contagious? How long are sinus infections contagious? Are ear infections contagious? Here is what you need to know about sinus and ear infections and whether you can catch them from other people. What Causes…

Can Arthritis Be Reversed or Stopped?


Hands of a person suffering from arthritis pain.

Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ) estimates 23% of Americans have some form of arthritis? That is about 54 million people that suffer from inflammation in their joints that can cause debilitating pain. There are over 100 types of arthritis that can impact people of all ages and…

What Causes Ear and Throat Pain On One Side When Swallowing?


Man suffering from ear and throat pain on one side when swallowing.

Are you experiencing ear and throat pain on one side when swallowing? There are many possible causes of one-sided pain in the throat and ear, including viral infections, nerve problems, digestive issues and other infections. Some of these conditions may cause a sharp pain in the throat when swallowing on one side, while others also…

Treatments to Fade Dark Spots on Legs


Beautiful legs with perfect skin of a sunbathing woman.

Dark spots on legs are common, but that does not mean they are a welcomed skin blemish. People of all ages and skin colors can experience dark or brown spots on legs, arms and all over the body. While most skin spots are benign and harmless, many people want to diminish their appearance. Here is…

How Long Does a Root Canal Take to Complete?


Young woman with severe toothache in a dental chair before root canal procedure

Root canal therapy has a reputation for being a long and painful procedure. However, this perception is based on outdated information. Root canals can now be completed in very little time and without pain in many circumstances. If you wonder, “How long does a root canal take to complete?” the simple and honest answer is…