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Effects of Mouth Breathing: Face, Dental and Health Consequences


Man sleeping with his mouth open.

Most people take breathing for granted. It is automatic – breathing is controlled involuntarily by the brain stem, but it can also be controlled by voluntary muscle function. Breathing is essential, but how you breathe can impact your health. Nasal breathing is the ideal way to inhale and exhale, but some people breathe through their…

What is Interventional Pain Management?


Interventional pain management for chronic and acute pain conditions.

Many people live with acute and chronic pain from injuries, disease and degenerative conditions. While narcotics and certain types of medications can mask the pain, they do not address the source of the pain. One of the options in controlling pain from its source is interventional pain management, which uses a wide variety of treatment…

What Is the Tenex Procedure?


Man suffering from elbow tendonitis.

Tendons attach muscles to bone and are an intricate part of most major joints in the body. When tendons are torn or damaged from repetitive use or injuries, scar tissue can form that can result in pain and dysfunction in the joints. The damaged tissue in tendons can result in inflammation and irritation or tendonitis.…

Are You Suffering from Arthrosis Pain?


A businessman at work suffering from shoulder arthrosis pain.

Joints in the body involve two or more bones connecting to allow for movement. To protect the bones from rubbing against each other, cartilage covers the ends of the bones to reduce friction. Over time, cartilage can wear thin and result in damage to the components in the joint, causing pain and other symptoms. Wear…

Lipodermatosclerosis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments


Man suffering from pain in his calves due to lipodermatosclerosis.

Lipodermatosclerosis is a rare condition that impacts the subcutaneous layer of fat in the lower legs. Individuals with lipodermatosclerosis experience inflammation in the fat layers in their calves – this can be an acute or chronic condition. This venous insufficiency condition is also known as sclerosing panniculitis and hypodermitis sclerodermiform. This is what you need…

Causes and Treatments for Veiny Hands


Hands of people of different ages.

Do you wonder, “Why are my hands so veiny?” Many people experience changes in the appearance of their hands at various times in their life with more noticeable veins. There is a combination of factors that can cause veiny hands that look older and unattractive. Knowing the causes and treatment options for bulging veins on…

What Is Mewing and Does Mewing Work?


Woman pointing at her lawline.

What if you could correct orthodontic issues, sleep apnea and a weak jawline all with a simple exercise? That is what Dr. John Mew and his son have been teaching their followers for decades with a tongue technique called mewing. The idea is that changing your resting tongue posture can reshape your mouth and jaw…

What Is Prolotherapy for Chronic Back Pain?


Man suffering from chronic back pain.

Chronic back pain can be caused by a wide variety of issues involving the spine, nerves and complete musculoskeletal system. An injury, aging, disease and other conditions can impact the muscles, vertebrae, nerves, joints and discs surrounding the spine. Often, the pain is caused by inflammation that irritates the nerves and soft tissues. One of…

What Does a Cavity Look Like?


Woman checking her teeth for cavities.

Preventing cavities is a big part of caring for teeth – most kids grow up knowing they should brush and floss to reduce cavities. While most people know they should avoid cavities, do you know how to tell if you have a cavity? What does a cavity look like and what does it feel like?…

Tips on How to Make Crutches More Comfortable


Man walking with crutches.

When you have to spend time on crutches due to an injury or surgery, it can be difficult. Not only do crutches limit your mobility, but they can be uncomfortable. Using crutches for supporting your body can result in callouses and sore points under the arms and on the hands. Here are some tips on…