Every joint in the body is designed to allow movement. When two bones meet at a joint, they are connected by ligaments, tendons and other tissues that allow each bone to move in its own direction – even tiny joints in the spine are designed to allow movement. Range of motion, or ROM, is a…
The spinal cord is the core pathway of the nervous system from the brain to the rest of the body. Any damage or disease that impacts the spinal cord can have a devastating effect on movement, organ function and a variety of senses throughout the body. Myelomalacia is a softening of the spinal cord –…
Broken bones or fractures are a common injury and require medical attention. Vehicle accidents, sports injuries, falls, disease and violence can all cause fractures when a bone is placed under too much stress. Some bone fractures require very little treatment, while others may need surgery and extensive rehabilitation for the patient. The treatment depends on…
The gingiva, or gum tissue, is important for supporting and nourishing your teeth, but it can become detrimental to the health or appearance of your smile. When gum tissue is infected, also known as periodontal or gum disease, it can lead to serious oral and overall health issues. If there is too much gingiva covering…
Waking up with dry mouth in the mornings is an unpleasant way to start your day. Plus, dry mouth can wake you up throughout the night and cause bad breath and other oral health problems. If you want to know how to prevent dry mouth while sleeping, you need to know what causes this issue.…
Do you have insect bites all over your body? If you are getting bites while indoors, it is likely you have fleas or bed bugs in your house. Both insects can bite your skin and leave behind small sores. To determine the best way to rid your home of these biting insects, you need to…
While many people depend on coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages to give them an energy boost, not everyone responds to caffeine the same way. If you have thought, “Caffeine doesn’t affect me like it does other people,” there may be reasons you do not get the same boost as others. To understand why caffeine…