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How to Get Rid of Spider Veins Naturally


Woman looking at spider veins on her legs.

Spider veins are the red or bluish veins that can appear near the surface of the skin. These small blood vessels look like a spider web in your skin, thus their name. If you have this vein condition, you may wonder how to get rid of spider veins naturally. Here is what you need to…

Why Are My Veins So Blue Today?


A person looking at their hands veins.

If you notice that your veins seem a brighter blue, it can be discerning. You may notice sudden prominent blue veins in arms or legs that seem abnormal. You may wonder, “Why are my veins so blue today?” and be concerned. Here are some possible causes of blue veins and whether or not you should…

Why Do My Legs Feel Heavy and Tired?


A man massaging his tired legs.

Does it feel like your shoes are filled with lead when you walk? If you have heavy legs, it can be a sign of a health condition. If you wonder, “Why do my legs feel heavy and tired?” it may be time to visit your doctor. Let’s take a look at the possible causes and…

Can Edema Kill You?


A person massaging swollen ankles and feet.

Edema is a condition that results in fluid retention within the tissues in the body. There are many possible causes of edema – understanding the cause can determine the treatment and possible complications. Can edema kill you? It depends on the type and the treatment you receive. What Is Edema? When fluid is trapped in…

Why Do My Legs Hurt at Night?


Woman in bed woken up by a leg pain.

It seems logical that once you are off your feet and in bed, any leg pain you have should go away. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Certain conditions may cause leg pain at night or an achy feeling as you try to go to sleep. If you wonder, “Why do my legs hurt…

Why Does My Stomach Hurt When I Cough?


Coughing Afro-American man feeling pain in abdomen.

If you have pain in your stomach or abdomen area when you cough, it could be a sign of other health issues. It may be as simple as a strained abdominal muscle, but the coughing may be irritating a vital organ that needs medical attention. Here are possible answers to “Why does my stomach hurt…

What Causes Crackling in Ear?


Woman pressing her ears due to hearing crackling in ears.

Most people have experienced strange sounds within their ears. Whether its ringing or buzzing after a loud concert or a popping sound when on an airplane, there are noises that come from inside the ear. Crackling in ear is another common sound, but what causes this noise and how can it be treated? I Have…

What Causes Swollen Legs from the Knee Down?


A woman sitting on a sofa and massaging her swollen lower leg.

Lower leg swelling can occur for a variety of reasons. The lower legs are the most susceptible to retaining water and other fluids due to their position, but if the circulatory system is working correctly, no swelling should occur. What causes swollen legs from the knee down? There are a few possible answers. Leg swelling…

What Is an Annular Tear of the Lumbar Disc?


A doctor revising an MRI image and pointing at a damaged lumbar area.

The spinal column is a combination of bone, ligaments, spinal discs, nerves and other components. Injuries, degenerative disease and wear can affect the components of the spinal column, causing pain and dysfunction. An annular tear is one of the conditions that can cause pain, especially in the lower back. What Is an Annular Tear? The…

What Are the Different Lasik Types?


Lase eyesight correction

Are you tired of wearing glasses or contacts? If you have poor vision, relying on corrective lenses or glasses can be frustrating. Corrective eye surgery with LASIK can give you back your vision and freedom. If you are ready to explore surgical vision correction, it is important to know the types of LASIK surgery available.…