Our Blog

Pinky Toe Pain: Causes and Treatments


A person massaging their painful foot and pinky toe.

The baby or pinky toe may seem inconsequential until you experience pinky toe pain. A sore baby toe can make your day miserable, impacting your mobility. If you have a painful pinky toe, there are a variety of possible causes and treatments that can give you relief. The little or pinky toe is the fifth…

Benefits of Hiring a Physician Liaison


Interdisciplinary team of physicians.

Medical care is very complex and requires the focus of the physicians and medical professionals within a practice. However, it is also a business that requires marketing and networking to grow. There are many benefits to hiring a physician liaison to enhance relationships within the industry. Private medical practices are often founded by the physicians…

Best Medical Podcasts: Marketing Your Medical Practice


A doctor recording a podcast.

If you are a doctor or medical practitioner, attracting new patients is an important aspect of growing your practice. One of the more innovative ways to reach new patients is with podcasts. When you create one of the best medical podcasts, you can effectively gain more patients for your practice. People from many different fields…

Marketing Physician Practices Effectively


A marketing specialist checking website search results.

Just like any business, healthcare clinics and physicians want to attract new consumers to their company. From orthopedic, spine and plastic surgeons to OB/GYNs and urgent care clinics, marketing physician practices requires targeting potential patients in a variety of media options. Physicians and healthcare facilities are competing against each other for the business of their…

Do Plantar Fasciitis Socks Work?


A person wearing compressing socksmassaging their sole.

If you have pain in your heel or bottom of your foot, you could be experiencing plantar fasciitis. This condition affects the fascia or ligaments in the bottom of the foot that connect the heel to the toes. One of the non-invasive treatments that may offer relief is plantar fasciitis socks; but do they really…

What Causes Excruciating Inner Thigh Cramps?


An Afro-American sportsman feeling cramp in his inner thigh.

When you suddenly have inner thigh pain or cramps, it can be alarming. Most people have had cramps in their calves or other areas in their legs, but inner thigh cramps are less common. There is a difference between inner thigh pain and cramps and what causes these types of leg conditions. What Is a…

What Happens If You Swallow Mouthwash?


Woman pouring mouthwash into a cup,

Mouthwash keeps your breath fresh and may help with your oral health. Swishing it around in your mouth after you brush your teeth is a good habit, but what happens if you swallow mouthwash instead of spitting it out? Let’s take a look at what is in mouthwash and what to do if you ingest…

Echo in Ear? Possible Causes and Treatments


Concerned Asian woman pressing her ear.

Have you experienced a hollow echo in your ear? Most people have had an echo-in-ear episode, where sounds are muffled, or it seems like you have double hearing. There are several possible causes of echoing in the ear – determining the cause can help you find the right treatment to restore normal hearing. When you…

Choosing a Google Maps Dentist Near You


A person having coffee and looking for local services using google maps.

Whether you have a dental emergency or just need a routine checkup, if you need a new dentist, Google Maps is a convenient place to find local dentists. Not only can you see where they are located, Google Maps dentist rankings can reveal more about each dental office to help you choose the right one…