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Excessive Sweating: How Your Dermatologist Can Help


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Sweating is your body’s natural way of regulating its temperature, but it can still be an embarrassing situation if you’re one of many patients who sweat excessively. This condition is known as hyperhidrosis, and can be treated safely and effectively by your dermatologist. Types of Hyperhidrosis While excessive sweating can seem like a fairly simple…

Alternative Treatments for Back Pain


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Chronic back pain can have a negative impact on the quality of life you enjoy, especially when it goes untreated. Unfortunately, conventional treatment may not always be feasible or effective for some patients. When you’re dealing with daily back pain and can’t find relief through traditional means, knowing there are viable alternatives can help you…

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Laser Treatments


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Your skin can affect your overall appearance greatly, boosting your confidence when it’s looking radiant and clear. Unfortunately, there are also a wide range of environmental factors and parts of the natural aging process which can affect the look, feel and health of your skin. Thankfully, there is also an array of laser rejuvenation treatments…

What You Should Know about Pediatric Dermatology


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Infants and children are known for having soft, radiant skin that glows with youth and vitality. Still, children can be just as susceptible to skin problems and chronic conditions affecting the skin as their adult counterparts. When your child suffers from skin disorders or dermatological concerns like eczema, rosacea or warts, however, finding the right…

Mammogram Screenings 101


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There are different determining factors for exactly when a woman should have a mammogram done. The Mayo Clinic and American Cancer Society recommend that women between the ages of 40-74 have a mammogram performed annually. However the United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that women age 50 have a mammogram every two years.…

Preterm Labor


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Pregnancy is probably the most wonderful and exciting time in life for women. Growing a life and experiencing all of the changes is something that most women can’t exactly describe. From enduring morning sickness to all of the physical changes to a woman’s body, pregnancy is one adventure after another. But one adventure that no…

Reasons People Choose to Have a Nose Job


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Rhinoplasty (also known as a Nose Job) is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is fairly common in the United States as the desire to enhance one’s appearance has become more accepted. Rhinoplasty is used to reshape the nose, for both cosmetic reasons as well as for facial reconstructions. According…

Treatment For Adult Acne


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You’ve grown out of the awkward stages of adolescence only to find that you are now suffering from acne as an adult. Acne is a skin disorder that affects almost everyone at some point in life, but that “some point” is typically during the teenage years when puberty affects hormones. However, adult acne is a…

Mole Removal


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Most people have moles, growths on the skin that are usually brown or black. In fact, it is normal for any one person to have 10-40 moles by the time they reach adulthood. While most moles are harmless, there are reasons why people decide to have them removed. Moles change as people age, and many…

Men and Plastic Surgery


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For years, most people have associated plastic surgery with women. However, in recent years many men have undergone surgical procedures to improve their appearance and help bring their “younger days” back to life. Today, men often feel the same pressures to look young that women have always felt. Whether they are hoping to remain successful…