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Do You Have Extreme Fatigue from Allergies?


Tired woman with sinus headache caused by allergy.

Allergies can cause all types of aggravating symptoms, from runny eyes and noses to headaches and a scratchy throat. If you have experienced fatigue, you may wonder, “Can allergies make you tired?” Here is what you need to know if you think you may have extreme fatigue from allergies. There are many types of allergies…

Treatment, Causes, and Symptoms of Dry Sinuses


A businesswoman suffering from headache caused by dry sinuses.

If you wake up with a dry nose and throat feeling, you may be experiencing dry sinuses. The sinuses are the cavities surrounding the nose and eyes that help warm and moisturize the air you breathe. Here is what you need to know about dry sinuses, including causes, symptoms, and treatment. The sinus cavities are…

What You Need to Know About a Sinus CT Scan


A relaxed woman undergoing CT scan for sinuses.

If your primary care doctor or ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist has ordered a sinus CT scan, you may have some questions. What does a sinus CT scan cost? How is a CT scan of sinuses performed? What can be diagnosed from a sinus CT scan? Here is everything you need to know about…

Causes and Treatment for Shortleg Syndrome


Children sitting on a high bench looking down at their legs.

Is one leg longer than the other? If you have a leg length discrepancy, it is often referred to as “shortleg syndrome” or SLS. This condition can greatly affect how your body functions, especially as you get older. Here is what you need to know about SLS, including the possible causes and treatment options. The…

Turbinate Reduction Surgery: What You Need to Know


Woman during a consultation for turbinate reduction surgery.

The nasal passages have small bones called turbinates that help humidify, warm and filter the air you breathe. These bones can become inflamed and block the nasal passages, causing breathing disorders. Here is what you need to know about turbinate reduction and when surgery may be necessary. What Causes Enlarged Turbinates? The turbinates are located…

What Is Commonly Misdiagnosed as Pink Eye?


Bacterias, viruses and pollens that may cause pink eye.

Most adults have had “pink eye” as a child and may think that when their or their child’s eyes are red and swollen that they have pink eye. However, there are other conditions that can cause similar symptoms. What is commonly misdiagnosed as pink eye? Here is what you need to know. Conjunctivitis is an…

How Long Does Strep Throat Last?


Woman suffering from pain and discomfort due to strep throat.

Many illnesses can cause a sore throat but if you have a throat infection, it can cause serious complications. Strep throat is a bacterial infection that is contagious and may cause more than just discomfort. How long does strep throat last? It depends on whether or not you get treatment. What Is Strep Throat? Strep…

Can’t Breathe Through Nose? Causes and Treatment Options


Woman having problems breathing through the nose.

Are you wondering, “Why can’t I breathe through my nose?” Nasal breathing is important to your health and the preferred way to bring air into your lungs. If you can’t breathe through nose, it is usually due to some type of blockage. Here are some of the possible causes and treatment options. The nasal passages…

Can a Sinus Massage Help Drain Your Sinuses?


Sinus drainage massage

Sinus pain and pressure affects millions of people, especially during allergy season. Sinusitis can be acute or chronic with symptoms from mild to severe. Draining the sinuses can provide relief, but inflammation can make it difficult. Sinus massage may be one way to relieve sinus pain and pressure. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus…

Why Am I Craving Red Meat?


Variety of red meats being grilled.

If you cannot stop thinking about eating a big, juicy steak or a double cheeseburger, it may not be just your taste buds going overboard. There are reasons your brain is hyper-focused on red meat, even if it is not your normal go-to food. If you are craving red meat, there can be a few…