Fight Signs of Aging with Injectables and Fillers

Published on: February 13, 2014

It’s certainly true that time marches on, but you don’t have to wear the signs of its passage. With breakthrough developments in the field of cosmetic injectables and facial fillers, you can fight the signs of aging, restore your youthful appearance and even alter the appearance of certain facial features.

What are Injectables and Fillers?

There are a variety of dermal fillers available to cosmetic specialists, each with their own life span and technique. In most cases, facial fillers and injectables will have a temporary effect on a particular area of your face. These substances can smooth out the appearance of wrinkles, correct sagging and reverse drooping. Some procedures will also allow you to change the shape and size of certain features. With injectables and fillers, your cosmetic surgeon can increase the size or change the shape of your lips, or provide a less permanent alternative to surgical rhinoplasty.

How Do Injectables and Fillers Work?

By injecting dermal fillers into the areas of your face which you feel are in need of attention, your cosmetic surgeon is able to offer a quick and effective solution to obvious signs of aging. When you make an appointment for consultation, you and your doctor will discuss the various options for treatment and how your goals might be achieved through injectables and fillers. Many procedures can be completed in as little as twenty minutes, allowing you to get back to your everyday life with no disruption and no downtime.

If you’re ready to actively combat inevitable signs of aging, contact a board-certified cosmetic surgeon in your area today to discuss the amazing results you can achieve through injectables and dermal fillers.

Posted on behalf of Benjamin Stong, MD, Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery, LLC


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