Benefits of Aquatic Physical Therapy

Published on: August 8, 2017

When you are recovering from an injury, surgery or other physical issues, physical therapy is often needed to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility and regain range of motion. Unfortunately, this can be painful or difficult when exercise puts additional stress on the injured area. Aquatic physical therapy is often used reduce impact and give support during the recovery process.

Aquatic therapies offer a wide variety of benefits for those with certain types of injuries. The buoyancy and hydrostatic pressure of water can help stabilize your body while aiding in reducing inflammation. Also, the warmth of the water in a therapeutic pool can reduce pain and allow muscles to relax during therapy. Some of the other benefits of aquatic rehabilitation therapy include:

  • Muscle strengthening. The natural resistance of water helps improve strength in muscles and ligaments without undue stress.
  • Balance. Water gives the body support and helps the patient balance while performing the needed exercises to recover mobility and flexibility.
  • Improved circulation. With less stress on the injured area, motions can be used to improve circulation to promote healing in the injured areas.
  • Reduced pain. The combination of heat, hydrostatic pressure and support can relieve pain while patients begin regaining their range of motion and strength.
  • Regaining coordination is important for recovery. Aquatic therapy can allow a safe and protected environment to help muscles recover the coordination needed.

If you have sustained a serious injury, undergone surgery or are recovering from an illness like stroke, your physician or physical therapist may suggest aquatic therapy as part of your treatment. Often using this method can speed recovery while reducing pain during the process.

Posted on behalf of:
Sovereign Rehabilitation
5555 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Northeast #225
Atlanta, GA 30342
(404) 835-3340

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