5 Facts About Nail Fungus
Have you ever contracted nail fungus? It is estimated that one on five people will be afflicted with this disease at some point in their lives. It can be embarrassing, painful and frustrating to treat, with many people struggling to rid themselves of the fungal problem for years with ineffective over-the-counter treatments. Here are five facts about this common problem that you may not know.
- Men are afflicted with nail fungus more often than women. Susceptibility to nail fungus is hereditary, with men more likely to contract nail fungal infections. In addition, many jobs that require walking in wet areas are traditionally held by males.
- Nail fungus can be caused yeast, fungi or mold. The majority of fingernail fungus are caused by Candida. However, most toenail infections, the most common area of nail fungus, is caused by dermatophytic fungi.
- Age increases your risk of nail fungus. As you get older, you are more likely to be afflicted by nail fungus. This is due to lowered immune system, poor circulation, longer exposure to fungi and slower growing nails.
- Nail fungus can cause nail damage and other serious illnesses. Ongoing nail fungus can damage the nail and nail bed, with some people losing the entire nail. In some people with diabetes and other illnesses, nail fungus can lead to serious bacterial skin infections.
- Nail fungus accounts for almost a third of skin infections. Onychomycosis or nail fungus is one of the most common skin infections that dermatologists treat.
Nail fungus can vary on how it should be treated, which is why not all nail fungus is easily treated with over-the-counter remedies. For specialized treatment, see a dermatologist that can prescribe the right medicine to cure your particular form of nail fungus.
Posted on behalf of:
Medical Dermatology Specialists
875 Johnson Ferry Road
Atlanta GA 30342
(404) 939-9220
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